PSV College

Anna University Counselling Code: 2642 | Accredited by NAAC with 'A' Grade



Tactic Tech Club


Student Clubs and Organizations are a great way for students to develop social, educational and leadership skills. Involvement in recognized clubs and organizations at Tactic Tech allows students the opportunity to network, represent Tactic Tech , take part in the leadership and mentorship program and become engaged in events and service activities both on-campus and off campus.

The Student Clubs and Organizations Policies and Procedures Manual is a resource guide. The manual is designed to assist student club and organizational leaders and advisors in establishing and effectively leading a successful organization.

I.Benefits of Student Club and Organization Recognition

There are many benefits to being involved in student clubs and organizations. Being a part of a group offers assistance with the following: career enhancement, communication skills, leadership skills, social networking, social skills, personality development, organizational and management skills, build resume, long lasting friendship and more.

II.How to Register a New Student Club or Organization?

Registering a new club with the Student Affairs office can occur any time during the semester. The Application for Recognition as an Approved Student Club/Organization consist of the following:

1. Application Details

2. Club/Organization Constitution

3. Club Executive Board Information and

4. A current Club Roster Form.

Definition of a New Club or Organization

A new club or organization at Tactic Tech club is defined as a group of students who have similar interests and a similar club has not been established or recognized by the Student Affairs Department

 Guidelines for Establishing a New Club or Organization

  1. Contact Student Affairs to get an Application for Club Recognition
  2. Recruit a minimum of five currently enrolled Tactic Tech club students who are part-time or full-time students.
  3. Select a club or organization advisor. The advisor must be a faculty or staff member of Tactic Tech club.
  4. Form an executive
  5. Complete the form pack and return it to Student Affairs.
  6. It will take up to 10 working days for the club to be approved. Once the club has been approved or denied the Student Affairs Department will contact the president to inform him/her of the status of the club/organization.

Returning Clubs and Organizations

A returning club or organization is defined as an organization that has been previously registered and approved by the Department of IT Student Affairs. Returning organizations include student groups with an active or inactive status. The Student Affairs Department will complete a Checklist every fall for each returning club. If all the requirements on the Checklist are up to date, no further act ion is required by the club. However, if an existing club is missing information, the club will be asked to complete a new Application for Recognition as an Approved Student Club/Organization.

Clubs that are denied or terminated

New or Returning clubs and organizations may be denied or terminated due to the following:

  • A club is not meeting the requirements outlined by the Student Clubs Policies and
  • A similar club or organization already
  • The club or organization fails to comply with the Student Club Policies and Procedures laid out by Student Affairs Department.
  • A club or organization’s inability to complete the registration packet completely and submit it the information in a timely fashion.

III.  General Club or Organization Responsibilities

All clubs and organizations must adhere to the policies and procedures set forth by Tactic Tech. Tactic Tech policies and procedures can be found on the Tactic Tech website under Student Clubs. All clubs or organizations are required to uphold the constitutions and by laws.

All clubs must have the following:

  • Facebook page. Make sure to provide us with the user name and password in case someone Like Tactic Tech club Student Affairs on Facebook so we can support your club.
  • Club Email: Set up a club e-mail.
  • Club Logo: Design a club logo
  • Club Picture: Take a club picture

Membership Guidelines

Membership is available to all Department of Information Technology in Tactic Tech club students without discrimination on the basis of race, color. Religion, sex, age, national origin, disability or veteran’s status. Clubs or organizations such as honor societies and academic organizations may impose membership standards based on acceptance to an academic program, course completion requirement, and minimum credit hours or GPA.

Membership in a registered student club or organization is open to all currently enrolled Tactic Tech Students.

Students on disciplinary probation, academic probation or suspension by Tactic Tech may not hold office or be involved in club or organizational activities or events.

A student may return to active status once the above actions have been lifted.

Executive Team Roles and Responsibilities

Positions: President, Vice President, Treasure, and Public Relations Officer Responsibilities of President:

  • Oversee club, members and managerial staff
  • Manages sub-categories of clubs (if any)
  • Organizes and attends at least 1 activity per semester
  • Creates an agenda for each meeting
  • Attends monthly club meeting with Student Affairs
  • Responsible for the safety of all

Responsibilities of Vice President:

  • Assists the president with duties
  • Stands-in for President at meeting when he/she cannot attend
  • Make sure surveys are conducted for each event
  • Assists with managing club activities
  • Takes attendance
  • Review meeting agenda
  • Writes CAB Reports
  • Record Attendance and sends to Student Affairs office within 24
  • Record survey results and sends to Student Affairs office within 24 hours Responsibilities of the Treasurer
  • Responsibility for maintaining all club dues and budget issues
  • Fill out expense Request form to purchase the requirements of club activities
  • Assist with fund raising activities Responsibilities of the Public Relations Office
  • Update Facebook and Contact Tactic Tech IT for website information
  • Informs Student Affairs Department of all meetings and events
  • Manage group e-mails to inform student of activities
  • Sends pictures and videos to Student Affairs within 24 hours
  • Sends testimonials of events/meetings to Student Affairs with 24 hours.
  • Makes and has approved flyers and other promotional material

IV.   Student Clubs and Organizations Advisor

During the course of the year, administrators, faculty and/or staff will be asked to serve as an advisor for a student club or organization. Before accepting the role of an advisor, the faculty, staff or administrator should meet with the club’s executive team. The meeting should cover the time and level of commitment needed by the advisor in order to ensure the successful functioning of the organization. Once an agreement is reached with a faculty or staff member to serve as an advisor, the club or organization should have him/her sign the Application for Recognition as an Approved Student Club/Organization form.

Advisor’s Expectations

  1. Advisors are expected to guide the organization and to serve as a mentor to the leadership in planning and implementing meetings, events and activities.
  2. Advisors must have knowledge of and approve all organizational activities, events, and
  3. Advisors need to ensure that plans for any activity or event conform to all college policies and
  4. Advisors are expected to be in attendance at organizational
  5. An advisor may advise more than one registered organization/club at a

V.   Club and Organization Constitution

The constitution is a valuable tool for the successful functioning and continued existence of any registered organization. Essentially the constitution is a document that describes its purpose. It also provides registered elements of the organization and governs the way in which the group will function.

The Constitution includes the following: Articles 1: Club Principles

Article 2: Name

Article 3: Purpose

Article 4: Membership

Article 5: Officers

Article 6: Faculty or Staff Advisor

Article 7: Duties of Officers/Position Description Article 8: Election Procedures

Article 9: Executive Committee and Special Committees Article 10: Meetings

Article 11: Finances

Article 12: Activities

Article 13: Hazing

Article 14: Amendments

Article 15: Bylaws

Signature Page of the Constitution

A Signature at the end of the organization’s constitution needs to be signed in order to verify that the constitution has been ratified and approved as the governing doctrine for the organization.

The signature page includes the following:

  1. Listing of all officers with signature and date
  2. Advisors signature and date
  3. Student Affairs Department’s Manager’s signature and date
  4. Student Affairs Department’s Coordinator signature and date

VI.   Money

The clubs and organizations must work closely with the Student Affairs Department regarding dues, raised funds, and inured expenses. Each club and organization will have a designated member, the Treasurer who is expected to maintain accurate records for all deposits and expenditures. The treasure should arrange a time monthly to meet with the Student Affairs Department to review their organization’s monthly business.

VII.    Meetings

The club or organization is expected:

  1. To maintain a protocol for meetings: prepare agenda (format provided) before the meeting and share with all club members.
  2. Before the beginning of a semester, create a calendar that has the meeting schedule and event schedule for the fall and spring semesters (templates are provided)
  3. Maintain minutes of the meeting in the format provided and share them with all members after the meeting or during next meeting.

VIII Activities and Events

Any activity or event including, but not limited to social gatherings, travel, community service projects, on campus events, etc. require prior approval from the Campus Activity Board (CAB) 1 month prior to the event. Therefore, if the club or organization is having an event in September, the CAB form is due in August. If the CAB form is not submitted in a timely manner, the club or organization will not be able to hold event(s) for that month.

CAB documents are due every first Friday of the month to CAB documents include: CAB event form, expense request form, and flyer. All of these items are needed before any event can be fully approved by CAB.

After the CAB meeting has been held, the clubs and organizations will be notified via e-mail if their event has been approved or not. This process generally takes about two weeks.

When a club or organization hosts an event, the Club President or Vice President must be present.

When a Club or an organization has any activity there should always be a sign-in sheet, agenda and an evaluation survey.

  1. Records to be Maintained

Student Affairs will provide each club a 1-inch club binder for the club, containing the club formation forms, constitution, executive team, and regular members. It is up to the club to keep this notebook up to date.

Other information that needs to be updated and maintained is the following:

  • Meetings with meeting agendas and minutes
  • List of activities with CAB documents, sign-up sheets, and survey evaluations
  • Changes to the executive
  • All documents should have Club logo and name, date, and event/meeting


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