P.S.V College of Engineering and Technology
Physics & Chemistry Lab
Our Physics & Chemistry Laboratory serves as a dynamic hub for scientific exploration, experimentation, and discovery. Designed to ignite curiosity and foster a deeper understanding of the natural world, our lab provides students with hands-on experiences that bring theoretical concepts to life and inspire a passion for science.
Physics Laboratory:
- Experimental Setup: Our physics lab is equipped with a diverse range of experimental setups, including optics benches, electromagnetism apparatus, spectrometers, and oscilloscopes.
- Measurement Instruments: Students have access to precision measurement instruments such as vernier calipers, micrometers, and electronic balances for accurate data collection and analysis.
- Computational Tools: We provide computers equipped with simulation software for modeling physical phenomena and conducting virtual experiments, complementing hands-on practical work.
Chemistry Laboratory:
- Fume Hoods and Safety Equipment: Our chemistry lab is equipped with fume hoods, safety goggles, gloves, and fire extinguishers to ensure a safe environment for conducting experiments involving chemicals.
- Glassware and Apparatus: Students have access to a wide array of glassware, including beakers, flasks, test tubes, and pipettes, as well as specialized apparatus for chemical synthesis, titration, and analysis.
- Chemical Reagents: We maintain a well-stocked inventory of chemical reagents and solutions for conducting experiments across various branches of chemistry, from inorganic and organic chemistry to analytical and physical chemistry.